Sunday, August 8, 2010

Today was Ruth's Blessing Day. She looked so cute!!! She wasn't to impressed with the headband or shoes but we all made it through. Thank you Mom for making the blanket and sending the headband and socks:) Thank you Susanne and Grandma Nielson for buying the fabric and supplies for the dress. Yes, her shoes are pink. I thought it was appropriate because my Blessing Dress had been pink.

Susanne tried really hard to get her to smile but she was having non of it.

Then I tried....which also did not work.


  1. Kelly, she is so precious! Her dress is beautiful and the pink shoes are a nice touch. Mom will be happy to see that. Ruth looks pleasantly plump and happy! Congrats on her first milestone. I miss you tons. (ya, I'm crying now!) Love you tons, Anneli :)

  2. She is so cute!! Her dress is so pretty! I bet it was an exciting day!

  3. I can get her to smile. And I have pictures to prove it.

  4. so pretty! everything, her face, her dress, her blanket, her momma!

  5. Thanks for the Pictures. Ruth and Mom are beautiful. Hope you all had a great day.
    Love ya

  6. She looks so darling. Great job on the dress Kelly. And I just love her socks.
