Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I love today!

It's a little bit pathetic how excited I was getting on the blog today and finding that 6 people updated their blogs in the last 24 hours. I love it!!!!!!!! There were picture's and funny stories. It was like Christmas came before Halloween this year which doesn't happen often.

I like oatmeal. This may not seem interesting to any of you but my mom would be surprised. I hated oatmeal growing up and refused to eat it. The texture was nasty and it was gooey and all sorts of yuck. On the Matrix when they compare their nutritionally sound meal to a bowl of liquid snot I always assumed they were talking about oatmeal. But last night as penance for eating all the Sun chips at lunch I had apple cinnamon oatmeal for dinner. To my amazement it wasn't that bad. Now I'll have to come up with something else for penance but that's okay cause my breakfast needs can now be met with oatmeal!

1 comment:

  1. I also enjoy oatmeal and it keeps you full for a while!

    Just wait until you haven't checked your reader for a weekend and you have almost 200 new posts to read. You will keep collecting more and more blogs to read... if you are anything like me :)
