Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Happenings....

Some of you may know that Mike's Bro. Dallin made it to the National History Fair in D.C. so AWESOME!!! We drove up and spent 2 1/2 fun filled days with him and Mike's mom Susanne. We ate, walked, played and chit chatted to my hearts content. Ruth struggled a bit with the ever changing locations/people and the lack of sleep, not to mention the fact that she pushed out a molar while we were there but on the whole she did better than I diaper blow outs.

I've said this before but I'm going to say it again that I LOVE D.C. I love the big old building and the food and China Town and the History and all the people and I just love it. Everyone should visit at least once in there lives. There's a Newseum! A Museum of News! It may sound lame but it was really cool. There was a HUGE wall covered with the front pages of news papers from all over the country and world the day after September 11 and another one showing the news progression of Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. And a section of Presidents and so forth. Really cool. If you've never been come stay with me and we'll go:)

Us at the host of the National History Fair the University of Maryland or Maryland State University. I forget which:)

Snack time for the kiddies at the Newseum.

While they snacked I took these. This is Pennsylvania Ave. topped by the Capitol Building.

Pennsylvania Ave.....the other way. Who knows what direction I'm pointing? That's the Washington Monument in the background which would put the White House this Direction.

Highlight's of the Trip:
1-Susanne taking us through the History board's searching for her favorites. Kid in a candy store.
2-Dallin navigating the Metro like a native!!!!
3-Ruth flirting with anyone and everyone on the train/the line/the restaurant/the store/the theater and so on.......
4-the WONDERFUL WEATHER!! It was overcast which drastically cut down on the amount of heat and it only rained once while we were already inside.
5-Fudruckers. Yummy Burgers, Happy Ruth.
6-Mike after eating a Burger, fries and two GIANT chocolate crepes wants a third.
7-Ruth, who weighs about 25 pounds, a back pack, a stroller and I navigating the Metro back to the hotel for her badly needed nap. Up and down, up and down the escalator's, half of which are broken.
8-Ruth giving Susanne kisses on her last night. It only took 2 1/2 days for her to decide to be nice.
9-The DC traffic jam that added 1 1/2 hours to the trip home about driving us MAD.
10- Me changing Ruth on the floor in the lobby of a Dunkin Donuts. "No changing table? What are they thinking!"

P.S. The bugs keep killing my flowers.

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